Home Apps & Software Google Introduces Bard AI Chatbot as a Competitor to ChatGPT

Google Introduces Bard AI Chatbot as a Competitor to ChatGPT

Google Introduces Bard AI Chatbot as a Competitor to ChatGPT
Google Introduces Bard AI Chatbot as a Competitor to ChatGPT

Google Introduces Bard AI Chatbot As a Competitor to ChatGPT

Google recently unveiled Bard, an AI chatbot designed to make complex topics simpler to comprehend. For instance, it can explain NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope discoveries to a 9-year old with ease.

Like ChatGPT, Bard also utilizes a large language model (LLM), though it has yet to be released to the public. It has been tested with an exclusive group of “trusted testers.”

What is Bard?

Bard is an incredibly versatile character class that can serve as either a thief, wizard or healer in small groups. Their wide range of skills and ability to switch out spells quickly make them highly engaging to play as.

The Bard has the capacity to cast a set number of spells per day and receive bonus spells based on their Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells). At higher levels, they may learn additional spells from The Magical Journey which grant them unique access to traversing the map in an unique manner.

They boast high team utility, as their presence can significantly impact a fight’s outcome, particularly in higher level game modes. While they make for an interesting addition to any squad, their strengths also make them difficult to play against each other.

Their low damage output makes them easy targets for teams to focus on, but their support abilities help compensate. They have two unique engravings that should be taken into consideration: True Courage and Desperate Salvation, both of which significantly boost their survivability.

They can collect chimes that will empower their auto-attacks. This is an advantageous way to earn experience points and mana while still dealing damage.

Another unique ability of the bard is the Q, which can stun up to two enemies if lined up correctly and hits something behind them. This skill gives them great playmaking potential in combat as they can use various angles to stun their enemies or even create an opportunity for taking out a minion or wall before it respawns.

The bard can equip and wear a variety of gear and armor to suit their needs. It is essential for them to maintain their stats as high as possible, since these will be vital during early game survival. Generally, bards prefer “aiming” gear with Weapon Damage and Dexterity being their top priorities.

How does Bard work?

Bard are a versatile class that can fill many roles within a team, from healer to ranged support and damage dealer. Their arsenal features powerful abilities, heavy damage-over-time (DoT) effects and procs that can drastically alter how they play.

Proficiency: A Bard is a full-caster, with their Charisma giving them access to an expansive library of spells. Additionally, two Cantrips may be selected at level 1 for added power and versatility.

Spellcasting: Bards use their Charisma to cast spells, just like other spellcasters do. At each level they learn a new spell and use some of them per long rest; additionally, one known spell may be replaced every level so if one spell doesn’t prove useful as they progress, it’s always possible to swap it out.

Special Abilities: The Bard has access to a number of special abilities, such as summoning lesser spirits. These spirits assist with basic attacks and deal extra magic damage to enemies. Furthermore, they grant a buff to the Bard’s Meeps that can aid them during battle.

Inspire Heroics: A bard with 15th level or higher in Perform and 18 or more ranks in a skill can inspire heroics within 30 feet of themselves or an willing ally. This mind-affecting ability grants the target an additional +4 morale bonus on saving throws and an AC boost of +4. This effect lasts one full round as well as up to five additional rounds after that.

Cosmic Binding: A bard of 1st level or higher with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can summon an energy bolt that deals 300 units of damage to an enemy. The bolt follows behind the target for 10 seconds, stuns them both for the same duration if it hits terrain or hits another target.

Chimes: Eerie chimes can be heard around the Bard and spawn in a wide area. Gather these to empower your Meeps, gain experience, mana and unlock an out-of-combat move that can be used against foes.

Jack of All Trades: Beginning at level 2, bards have the unique ability to add half their proficiency bonus to any ability check they wish, regardless of which skills they already possess proficiency in. This ability is especially helpful when you have multiple skillsets available and it allows your character to expand their versatility significantly.

What can Bard do for you?

Are you searching for a class that can cast spells, motivate your party members and charm opponents alike? A bard may be just what the doctor ordered. They possess great versatility as healers or thieves as well as being second-string fighters.

When selecting which bard to play, take into account your character’s background. Did you serve an apprenticeship or learn under a master? Or perhaps you had an unconventional upbringing and acquired your musical ability through unconventional means? Or maybe you simply desired to create your own path in life?

No matter your story, bards are renowned for their songs and storytelling talents. These can add a unique flavor to any narrative.

Another way to make your Bard stand out is by selecting a musical instrument with several types, such as woodwinds or strings. Having access to such special abilities will prove immensely useful as your character progresses through the game.

Bards possess the unique power to cast an array of spells, and their list can be quite extensive. While you should pick up some healing spells early in your adventure, be sure to also incorporate more combat-oriented spells as you advance in level.

For instance, a bard with the College of Creation can sing objects to life and create them from nothing. This powerful spell can be used to boost other characters’ Bardic Inspiration scores as well as give them additional advantages during battle.

When selecting a class for bards, it’s essential to find one that suits your playstyle. While the bard has various colleges to choose from, each provides their own set of abilities. For most players, the College of Lore is an ideal option as it provides excellent spells that enhance this class’ other features.

Is Bard right for you?

The Bard is an incredibly powerful class, capable of serving as either the leader of your party or an inspiration to those around you. Their spellcasting abilities are primarily determined by their charisma score, though there are several ways to enhance their power even further.

Bards may join either the College of Lore, which emphasizes knowledge and performance, or the College of Valor, which encourages bravery on the battlefield. While either can serve as the party leader, the latter tends to be better at motivating teamwork and combat strategy development.

As such, many bards find themselves playing the role of supporter. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; the Bard can fill an important role in any party by casting spells to grant friendly creatures temporary HP.

Furthermore, a well-rounded bard can significantly boost their party’s attack power by adding an additional die to any of their teammates’ attacks or ability checks, regardless of subclass. This is especially beneficial if the Bard has max charisma and access to some unique feats available only to bards.

If you’re considering playing a bard, the Bardic Versatility feat may be beneficial. This allows you to take any additional spells not already included in your bard’s slot, making it easier to maximize your character’s abilities.

Bards who don’t plan to use a lot of magic may want to consider granting your character the Bardic Inspiration feat, which allows an additional die for all spellcasters’ attack rolls and ability checks. This comes in handy when running low on caster levels or need to fill an open slot that someone else is currently occupying.

Google is building Bard upon a research large language model (LLM). LLMs are similar to natural language processing (NLP) engines, but they’re specifically designed to pick one word at a time from words it knows are likely to follow after receiving instructions. This approach enables the LLM to provide more creative answers than if it simply chose its best guess every time it got the same question.



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